Population rate model of generalized integrate-and-fire neurons

This script simulates a finite network of generalized integrate-and-fire (GIF) neurons directly on the mesoscopic population level using the effective stochastic population rate dynamics derived in the paper [Schwalger et al. PLoS Comput Biol. 2017]. The stochastic population dynamics is implemented in the NEST model gif_pop_psc_exp. We demonstrate this model using the example of a Brunel network of two coupled populations, one excitatory and one inhibitory population.

Note that the population model represents the mesoscopic level description of the corresponding microscopic network based on the NEST model gif_psc_exp.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nest

We first set the parameters of the microscopic model:

dt = 0.5
dt_rec = 1.

t_end = 2000.

size = 200
N = np.array([4, 1]) * size
M = len(N)  # number of populations

t_ref = 4. * np.ones(M)  # absolute refractory period
tau_m = 20 * np.ones(M)  # membrane time constant
mu = 24. * np.ones(M)  # constant base current mu=R*(I0+Vrest)
c = 10. * np.ones(M)  # base rate of exponential link function
Delta_u = 2.5 * np.ones(M)  # softness of exponential link function
V_reset = 0. * np.ones(M)  # Reset potential
V_th = 15. * np.ones(M)  # baseline threshold (non-accumulating part)
tau_sfa_exc = [100., 1000.]  # adaptation time constants of excitatory neurons
tau_sfa_inh = [100., 1000.]  # adaptation time constants of inhibitory neurons
J_sfa_exc = [1000., 1000.]  # size of feedback kernel theta
J_sfa_inh = [1000., 1000.]  # in mV*ms
tau_theta = np.array([tau_sfa_exc, tau_sfa_inh])
J_theta = np.array([J_sfa_exc, J_sfa_inh])

J = 0.3  # excitatory synaptic weight in mV if number of input connections
g = 5.  # inhibition-to-excitation ratio
pconn = 0.2 * np.ones((M, M))
delay = 1. * np.ones((M, M))

C0 = np.array([[800, 200], [800, 200]]) * 0.2  # constant reference matrix
C = np.vstack((N, N)) * pconn  # numbers of input connections

J_syn = np.array([[J, -g * J], [J, -g * J]]) * \
    C0 / C  # final synaptic weights scaling as 1/C

taus1_ = [3., 6.]  # time constants of exc./inh. post-synaptic currents (PSC's)
taus1 = np.array([taus1_ for k in range(M)])

step = [[20.], [20.]]  # jump size of mu in mV
tstep = np.array([[1500.], [1500.]])  # times of jumps

tau_ex = 3.  # in ms
tau_in = 6.  # in ms

Simulation on the mesoscopic level

To directly simulate the mesoscopic population activities (i.e. generating the activity of a finite-size population without simulating single neurons), we can build the populations using the NEST model gif_pop_psc_exp:

    {'resolution': dt, 'print_time': True, 'local_num_threads': 1})
t0 = nest.GetKernelStatus('time')

nest_pops = nest.Create('gif_pop_psc_exp', M)

C_m = 250.  # irrelevant value for membrane capacity, cancels out in simulation
g_L = C_m / tau_m
for i, nest_i in enumerate(nest_pops):
    nest.SetStatus([nest_i], {
        'C_m': C_m,
        'I_e': mu[i] * g_L[i],
        'lambda_0': c[i],  # in Hz!
        'Delta_V': Delta_u[i],
        'tau_m': tau_m[i],
        'tau_sfa': tau_theta[i],
        'q_sfa': J_theta[i] / tau_theta[i],  # [J_theta]= mV*ms -> [q_sfa]=mV
        'V_T_star': V_th[i],
        'V_reset': V_reset[i],
        'len_kernel': -1,             # -1 triggers automatic history size
        'N': N[i],
        't_ref': t_ref[i],
        'tau_syn_ex': max([tau_ex, dt]),
        'tau_syn_in': max([tau_in, dt]),
        'E_L': 0.

g_syn = np.ones_like(J_syn)  # synaptic conductance
g_syn[:, 0] = C_m / tau_ex
g_syn[:, 1] = C_m / tau_in
for i, nest_i in enumerate(nest_pops):
    for j, nest_j in enumerate(nest_pops):
        nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse', {
            'weight': J_syn[i, j] * g_syn[i, j] * pconn[i, j],
            'delay': delay[i, j]})
        nest.Connect([nest_j], [nest_i], 'all_to_all')

To record the instantaneous population rate Abar(t) we use a multimeter, and to get the population activity A_N(t) we use spike detector:

nest_mm = nest.Create('multimeter')
nest.SetStatus(nest_mm, {'record_from': ['n_events', 'mean'],
                         'withgid': True,
                         'withtime': False,
                         'interval': dt_rec})
nest.Connect(nest_mm, nest_pops, 'all_to_all')

nest_sd = []
for i, nest_i in enumerate(nest_pops):
    nest.SetStatus(nest_sd[i], {'withgid': False,
                                'withtime': True,
                                'time_in_steps': True})
    nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse', {'weight': 1.,
                                        'delay': dt})
    nest.Connect([nest_pops[i]], nest_sd[i], 'all_to_all')

All neurons in a given population will be stimulated with a step input current:

tstep = np.hstack((dt * np.ones((M, 1)), tstep))
step = np.hstack((np.zeros((M, 1)), step))

nest_stepcurrent = nest.Create('step_current_generator', M)
for i in range(M):
    nest.SetStatus([nest_stepcurrent[i]], {
        'amplitude_times': tstep[i] + t0,
        'amplitude_values': step[i] * g_L[i], 'origin': t0, 'stop': t_end})
    pop_ = nest_pops[i]
    if type(nest_pops[i]) == int:
        pop_ = [pop_]
    nest.Connect([nest_stepcurrent[i]], pop_, syn_spec={'weight': 1.})

We can now start the simulation:

local_num_threads = 1
seed = 1
msd = local_num_threads * seed + 1  # master seed
nest.SetKernelStatus({'rng_seeds': range(msd, msd + local_num_threads)})

t = np.arange(0., t_end, dt_rec)
A_N = np.ones((t.size, M)) * np.nan
Abar = np.ones_like(A_N) * np.nan

nest.Simulate(t_end + dt)
data_mm = nest.GetStatus(nest_mm)[0]['events']
for i, nest_i in enumerate(nest_pops):
    a_i = data_mm['mean'][data_mm['senders'] == nest_i]
    a = a_i / N[i] / dt
    min_len = np.min([len(a), len(Abar)])
    Abar[:min_len, i] = a[:min_len]

    data_sd = nest.GetStatus(nest_sd[i], keys=['events'])[0][0]['times']
    data_sd = data_sd * dt - t0
    bins = np.concatenate((t, np.array([t[-1] + dt_rec])))
    A = np.histogram(data_sd, bins=bins)[0] / float(N[i]) / dt_rec
    A_N[:, i] = A

and plot the activity:

plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(t, A_N * 1000)  # plot population activities (in Hz)
plt.ylabel(r'$A_N$ [Hz]')
plt.title('Population activities (mesoscopic sim.)')
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(t, Abar * 1000)  # plot instantaneous population rates (in Hz)
plt.ylabel(r'$\bar A$ [Hz]')
plt.xlabel('time [ms]')

Microscopic ("direct") simulation

As mentioned above, the population model gif_pop_psc_exp directly simulates the mesoscopic population activities, i.e. without the need to simulate single neurons. On the other hand, if we want to know single neuron activities, we must simulate on the microscopic level. This is possible by building a corresponding network of gif_psc_exp neuron models:

    {'resolution': dt, 'print_time': True, 'local_num_threads': 1})
t0 = nest.GetKernelStatus('time')

nest_pops = nest.Create('gif_pop_psc_exp', M)

nest_pops = []
for k in range(M):
    nest_pops.append(nest.Create('gif_psc_exp', N[k]))

for i, nest_i in enumerate(nest_pops):
    nest.SetStatus(nest_i, {
        'C_m': C_m,
        'I_e': mu[i] * g_L[i],
        'lambda_0': c[i],  # in Hz!
        'Delta_V': Delta_u[i],
        'g_L': g_L[i],
        'tau_sfa': tau_theta[i],
        'q_sfa': J_theta[i] / tau_theta[i],  # [J_theta]= mV*ms -> [q_sfa]=mV
        'V_T_star': V_th[i],
        'V_reset': V_reset[i],
        't_ref': t_ref[i],
        'tau_syn_ex': max([tau_ex, dt]),
        'tau_syn_in': max([tau_in, dt]),
        'E_L': 0.,
        'V_m': 0.

for i, nest_i in enumerate(nest_pops):
    for j, nest_j in enumerate(nest_pops):
        nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse', {
            'weight': J_syn[i, j] * g_syn[i, j],
            'delay': delay[i, j]})

        if np.allclose(pconn[i, j], 1.):
            conn_spec = {'rule': 'all_to_all'}
            conn_spec = {
                'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': int(pconn[i, j] * N[j])}

        nest.Connect(nest_j, nest_i, conn_spec)

We want to record all spikes of each population in order to compute the mesoscopic population activities A_N(t) from the microscopic simulation. We also record the membrane potentials of five example neurons:

nest_sd = []
for i, nest_i in enumerate(nest_pops):
    nest.SetStatus(nest_sd[i], {'withgid': False,
                                'withtime': True, 'time_in_steps': True})
    nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse', {'weight': 1., 'delay': dt})

    # record all spikes from population to compute population activity
    nest.Connect(nest_pops[i], nest_sd[i], 'all_to_all')

Nrecord = [5, 0]  # for each population "i" the first Nrecord[i] neurons are
nest_mm_Vm = []
for i, nest_i in enumerate(nest_pops):
    nest.SetStatus(nest_mm_Vm[i], {'record_from': ['V_m'],
                                   'withgid': True, 'withtime': True,
                                   'interval': dt_rec})
    nest.Connect(nest_mm_Vm[i], list(
        np.array(nest_pops[i])[:Nrecord[i]]), 'all_to_all')

As before, all neurons in a given population will be stimulated with a step input current. The following code block is identical to the one for the mesoscopic simulation above:

nest_stepcurrent = nest.Create('step_current_generator', M)
for i in range(M):
    nest.SetStatus([nest_stepcurrent[i]], {
        'amplitude_times': tstep[i] + t0,
        'amplitude_values': step[i] * g_L[i], 'origin': t0, 'stop': t_end})
    # optionally a stopping time may be added by: 'stop': sim_T + t0
    pop_ = nest_pops[i]
    if type(nest_pops[i]) == int:
        pop_ = [pop_]
    nest.Connect([nest_stepcurrent[i]], pop_, syn_spec={'weight': 1.})

We can now start the microscopic simulation:

local_num_threads = 1
seed = 1
msd = local_num_threads * seed + 1  # master seed
nest.SetKernelStatus({'rng_seeds': range(msd, msd + local_num_threads)})

t = np.arange(0., t_end, dt_rec)
A_N = np.ones((t.size, M)) * np.nan

nest.Simulate(t_end + dt)

Let's retrieve the data of the spike detector and plot the activity of the excitatory population (in Hz):

for i, nest_i in enumerate(nest_pops):
    data_sd = nest.GetStatus(
        nest_sd[i], keys=['events'])[0][0]['times'] * dt - t0
    bins = np.concatenate((t, np.array([t[-1] + dt_rec])))
    A = np.histogram(data_sd, bins=bins)[0] / float(N[i]) / dt_rec
    A_N[:, i] = A * 1000  # in Hz

t = np.arange(dt, t_end + dt, dt_rec)
plt.plot(t, A_N[:, 0])
plt.xlabel('time [ms]')
plt.ylabel('population activity [Hz]')
plt.title('Population activities (microscopic sim.)')

This should look similar to the population activity obtained from the mesoscopic simulation based on the NEST model gif_pop_psc_exp (cf. figure 1). Now we retrieve the data of the multimeter, which allows us to look at the membrane potentials of single neurons. Here we plot the voltage traces (in mV) of five example neurons:

voltage = []
for i in range(M):
    if Nrecord[i] > 0:
        senders = nest.GetStatus(nest_mm_Vm[i])[0]['events']['senders']
        v = nest.GetStatus(nest_mm_Vm[i])[0]['events']['V_m']
            np.array([v[np.where(senders == j)] for j in set(senders)]))

f, axarr = plt.subplots(Nrecord[0], sharex=True)
for i in range(Nrecord[0]):
    axarr[i].set_yticks((0, 15, 30))
axarr[i].set_xlabel('time [ms]')
axarr[2].set_ylabel('membrane potential [mV]')
axarr[0].set_title('5 example GIF neurons (microscopic sim.)')

Note that this plots only the subthreshold membrane potentials but not the spikes (as with every leaky integrate-and-fire model).
