Dear Johan,
You do not tell us what the “result” number is that you print out. But I notice that the value you get when running with 10 MPI processes on PDC, is about 10 times smaller than the value you see with one process on your PC.
I’ll venture a guess and assume you have a network of N neurons which you connect to one spike detector. You simulate, read out the number of spikes and convert it into a firing rate, dividing number of spikes by N * simtime.
In an MPI-parallel simulation, the spike detector on each MPI process only gets the spikes of neurons simulated on that MPI process. If you still divide by the full number of neurons to compute the rate, one would expect exactly the behavior you observe.
In the future, please provide more details about what you are doing, so we can provide more pointed advice.
Best, Hans Ekkehard
Prof. Dr. Hans Ekkehard Plesser Head, Department of Data Science
Faculty of Science and Technology Norwegian University of Life Sciences PO Box 5003, 1432 Aas, Norway
Phone +47 6723 1560 Email Home
On 19/02/2021, 22:20, "JOHAN LILJEFORS" <> wrote:
Dear Nest users,
I am fairly new to Nest having used it only for a few months and it has been working without any problems on my PC running Linux. Recently I was given access to a PDC where I have been submitting jobs but I am encountering a problem with my model. I'm running Python 3.7.3 and Nest 2.18.
On both my PC and on the PDC, I run the following python script:
import Nest
For counter in range(0,10):
I execute this with "srun -n=1 python3"
This outputs 10 numbers, ranging from 0.35-0.4.
On the PDC, i run the same scripts but without the for loop:
import Nest
------------------------------ I execute this with "srun -n=10 python3" this outputs 10 numbers, but this time much smaller around 0.04.
I am not doing any file operations, nor any MPI communication between the tasks and I am genuinely confused as to how submitting multiple tasks can yield a different result than a single task.
Has anyone encountered anything similar?
Johan Liljefors
Dear Hans, thank you for your reply and apologies for not giving more detail on my simulation. You are absolutely correct, i create a feed forward network of three serially connected hypercolumns, each HC contains 50 minicolumns of 30 neurons each - so 4,500 neurons in total. I send a signal into this network, and the number i present is a measure of the signal exiting the network - although its not a spike rate it is very similar (i send the signal into the network with a sloped distribution, and measure the slope of the signal exiting the network).
I am intrigued by your comment and they are very helpful as i am not educated on the internal architecture of Nest. My understanding that running "srun -n 10 python3" on the PDC would create 10 independent executions, but I understand from what you are saying that Nest is still able to communicate across them? While this seems to be a very useful feature, for the purpose of this particular simulation is there a possibility to avoid this?
many thanks and regards Johan