Hi Zirui,

Thanks for writing in. I would indeed suggest to use the modeling language NESTML to write your neuron model in.

There is a base (one input port) IAF model here: https://github.com/nest/nestml/blob/master/models/neurons/iaf_cond_beta.nestml

You could adapt the multiple input ports from, for example, https://github.com/nest/nestml/blob/master/models/neurons/traub_cond_multisyn.nestml

For some documentation about the multiple input ports feature, please see https://nestml.readthedocs.io/en/v5.1.0/nestml_language/neurons_in_nestml.html#multiple-input-synapses

Please let us know if you should run into any issues during the implementation.

With kind regards,

On Mon, Nov 7, 2022, at 09:11, 王梓瑞 wrote:


I planned to use simple integrate-and-fire model (iaf_cond_beta) to construct the cortico-striatal network, but then it appeared some issues. Since striatum neurons have multiple synapses (AMPA and NMDA for example), ‘iaf_cond_beta’ seemed not to support multiple synapse input. I searched the whole Model directory and found multiple synapse neuron models like “aeif_cond_beta_multisynapse”, “aeif_cond_alpha_multisynapse” and “aeif_psc_alpha_multisynaps”.

So I wondered if there’s a multiple synapse version of simple integrate-and-fire model (iaf_cond_beta), or can I construct a multiple synapse simple integrate-and-fire model through nestml.

Thank you



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