I've been trying to compile the latest version on github (c1cebdc) without success.
The system is a HPC running RHEL7. Pre-installed software includes gsl-2.7, cmake 3.17.5 and openMPI-1.10.3-gnu, although I have tried variations with similar results.
I've created a fresh conda environment with packages necessary for nest and nestml: conda create --name pythonfornestml -c conda-forge boost readline ipython pyqt wxpython cython pip install mpi4py
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/headnode1/dnao/nest-installs/nest3-23.07.2022 \ -Dwith-mpi=ON \ /headnode1/dnao/gitnest/nest-simulator
make fails at 47%. I have uploaded the make output here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FXVsidFLXYvnHk4Tob2zDi4wQJJNW-yw/view?usp=s...
As well as the output of cmake to show the build configuration: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HWH_KqILEyQYujzd4B1ma4ZrzUXbG231/view?usp=s...
Thank you in advance for any assistance.