Hi Robin,

The NESTML versioning scheme is such that it supports the latest released NEST version. The previous NESTML release (4.0) is compatible with NEST 3.0. We haven’t made a release after that, however, you could use the NESTML master which is compatible with the latest NEST master branch. We ensure this with NEST integration tests in our CI. 

We also provide a way to generate code for older versions of NEST by the way of custom templates as mentioned here: https://nestml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/running.html#running-in-nest-2-compatibility-mode


On 16. Nov 2021, at 10:18, Robin Gilbert De Schepper <robingilbert.deschepper@unipv.it> wrote:

Hi all,

I was wondering what NESTML's versioning scheme looks like, and what versions of NEST each NESTML version supports! e.g. can I generate code for multiple NEST versions with 1 NESTML version?

Best regards,
Robin De Schepper, MSc
Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Unit of Neurophysiology
University of Pavia, Italy
Via Forlanini 6, 27100 Pavia - Italy
Tel: (+39) 038298-7607

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