Hello Pooja,
Thanks for the further clarification! We understood that the bug concerned only the timing of the statement execution, not the execution itself.
I’m afraid that the solution you pointed out is already the one we have been exploring: we are indeed running the simulation in smaller chunks - following the same approach as the tutorial pointed out by Charl - but, since the eligibility trace value can only decay when spikes are arriving at the synapse and since the network has very few spikes, the trace only take big discrete leaps. The result is that we can retrieve as many trace values as we want, but they are mostly constant between chunks.
Our goal for now is to have an exponential trace that goes to 1 when a pre-synaptic spike arrives at the synapse and then smoothly decreases even in the absence of further spikes. Thus we were wondering if there was any way to execute statements in the NESTML code at each resolution tilmestep (other than the update block) that wouldn't require any network activity.
Best, Francesco