Dear Xavier,

The reason you're seeing these results is that the default number of iterations (`n_iter`) is set low to allow for quick testing. Increasing the number of iterations improves accuracy. Each tutorial includes a comment next to the variable, providing guidance on the optimal number of iterations for better accuracy. This default setting is planned to be adjusted in the upcoming NEST release. 

All the best,


On 2025-02-11 15:44, Xavier Otazu Porter wrote:

I have downloaded several of the eprop python examples, and none of them generate the correct results. For example, the handwritten example, generates a rather random result (the red points data) that do not fit with the expected results. The sinus generation, also generates wrong results. If you want, I can send a small image (not did it now to avoid image spamming).

I am using NEST 3.8 with python 3.9 in a linux Rocks enviornment, and python 3.11 in a FreeBSD environment.

Thanks a lot in advance.


Computer Vision Center

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