I've got a version of the HH model (via a NESTML file) which seems to be requiring an exponential Euler solver (ie the one commonly used for e^x dependent biologic systems) to most efficiently solve the equations*. From my reading of the NESTML code generator tools source, only rk45 and forward-Euler are supported. The difference between Euler and Exponential Euler doesn't seem that significant, so I wanted to see if I could get the exponential version implemented....however, what's become unclear to me is whether or not this is a limitation of NEST, NESTML or the underlying solvers and how I'd go about getting a different solver implemented. Are there any guides around on how one would implement a new solver and/or information which would help me figure this out.
*=forward Euler does work for some (might work with even smaller timestep) cases, but it requires a time step of 0.01ms. I'm comparing with a Brian2 version of the model running with a 0.1ms time step with it's natively supported exponential Euler solver which is what is making me look into other solvers for my NESTML-based code.