Hi there,
I tried to run the basic example from https://nest-simulator.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/using_nest_with_musi… <https://nest-simulator.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/using_nest_with_musi…> in the docker environment of NEST (https://github.com/nest/nest-docker <https://github.com/nest/nest-docker>) on my OSX host.
To be precise, I create the files minimalmusicsetup.music, minimalmusicsetup_sendnest.py and minimalmusicsetup_receivenest.py in the root directory (~/nest-docker) of the host system, and then called mpirun -np 2 music minimalmusicsetup.music from within docker.
The output was:
MUSIC: Unable to determine process rank.
MUSIC: Did you launch music using mpirun?
MUSIC: If so, check the comments about porting in README.
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
MUSIC: Unable to determine process rank.
MUSIC: Did you launch music using mpirun?
MUSIC: If so, check the comments about porting in README.
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:
Process name: [[46746,1],0]
Exit code: 1
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance,
-- -- --
Dr. Benjamin Staude | Paul-Lincke-Ufer 7 | 10999 Berlin | benjamin.staude(a)gmail.com
Dear HBP-NEST users!
// This mail only regards people involved in the Human Brain Project
(HBP). //
For making your usage of NEST more visible to the HBP internal
reporting, we would be happy to see you in the list of the so called
/component users/.
For this you just need to go to the NEST component page
https://plus.humanbrainproject.org/components/209/ and do *three clicks*:
1. click the green [edit] button
2. click [+me] at "Component User Group", and finally
3. click [Save] at the bottom of the page.
This ensures the continued support of many developers and helps to show
the multitude of research using NEST simulations, and is highly appreciated.
If you use or intend to use any number of the following specific NEST
features, please feel free to also add yourself there, to show your
appreciation to the respective developers:
* optimizations for simulations on high-performance computing platforms
https://plus.humanbrainproject.org/components/1666/ and
* models with continuous dynamics / gap-junctions
* models with 3rd factor plasticity
* the NEST modeling language (NESTML)
* connection generation in very large networks
There are many other related components that you may also want to add
yourself, like simulator-simulator interactions (e.g. 2693),
visualization (e.g. 2697), and many more. Please contact me if you feel
like you can't find something that you would like to "+me".
Dipl.-Phys. Dennis Terhorst
Coordinator Software Development
Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6)
Computational and Systems Neuroscience &
Theoretical Neuroscience,
Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6)
Jülich Research Centre, Member of the Helmholz Association and JARA
52425 Jülich, Germany
Building 15.22 Room 4004
Phone +49 2461 61-85062
Fax +49 2461 61- 9460
Dear NEST Developers!
I would like to invite you to our next bi-weekly Open NEST Developer
Video Conference today (please excuse the late invitation)
Monday 14 October, 11.30-12.30 CEST (UTC+2).
See below for information about how to log into the meeting.
The agenda for this meeting is also available online, see
• Welcome
• Python 2 support in NEST3?
• Review of NEST User Mailing List
• Review of open Github Pull Request
• Review of open Github Issues
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Dennis Terhorst
Log-in information
We use a virtual conference room provided by DFN (Deutsches Forschungsnetz).
You can use the web client to connect. We however encourage everyone to
use a headset for better audio quality or even a proper video
conferencing system (see below) or software when available.
Web client
* Visit https://conf.dfn.de/webapp/conference/97938800
* Enter your name and allow your browser to use camera and microphone
* The conference does not need a PIN to join, just click join and you're in.
In case you see a dfnconf logo and the phrase "Auf den
Meetingveranstalter warten", just be patient, the meeting host needs to
join first (a voice will tell you).
VC system/software
How to log in with a video conferencing system, depends on you VC system
or software.
- Using the H.323 protocol (eg Polycom): vc.dfn.net##97938800 or
- Using the SIP protocol:97938800@vc.dfn.de
- By telephone: +49-30-200-97938800
For those who do not have a video conference system or suitable
software, Polycom provides a pretty good free app for iOS and Android,
so you can join from your tablet (Polycom RealPresence Mobile, available
from AppStore/PlayStore). Note that firewalls may interfere with
videoconferencing in various and sometimes confusing ways.
For more technical information on logging in from various VC systems,
please see
Dear experts,
do you have any suggestions where could I find the explicit model for the IF COND EXP neuron?
I mean the mathematical formulation of the model.
I use NEST (Version 2.16.0) by using PyNN.
While using I came across the problem that NEST throws an error, when the rate of a SpikeSourcePoisson (in PyNN) is updated from any positive value to 0 and to any positive value again.
In other words, once the rate is set to zero, it cannot be changed anymore. It seems like this issue is independant of the temporal location.
The exception thrown is the following:
> python2.7: /pathToNestSimulator/nest-simulator-2.16.0/nestkernel/event_delivery_manager.h:564: nest::delay nest::EventDeliveryManager::get_slice_modulo(nest::delay): Assertion `static_cast< std::vector< delay >::size_type >( d ) < slice_moduli_.size()' failed.
Further, any rate change of a specific neuron is not applied before the next spike at the previous rate. This is problematic when dealing with low rates as spikes occur only rarely.
For instance, with a rate of 1 it is not unlikely that there is not a spike for a few seconds.
As a result, a rate change can and will be applied extremely delayed.
I initially reported this at PyNN, but it seems to be a NEST issue:
What would you advise?
Dear NEST Developers!
I would like to invite you to our next bi-weekly Open NEST Developer
Video Conference tomorrow
Monday 16 September, 11.30-12.30 CEST (UTC+2).
See below for information about how to log into the meeting.
The agenda for this meeting is also available online, see
• Welcome
• Review of NEST User Mailing List
• Review of open Github Pull Request
• Review of open Github Issues
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Dennis Terhorst
Log-in information
We use a virtual conference room provided by DFN (Deutsches Forschungsnetz).
You can use the web client to connect. We however encourage everyone to
use a headset for better audio quality or even a proper video
conferencing system (see below) or software when available.
Web client
* Visit https://conf.dfn.de/webapp/conference/97938800
* Enter your name and allow your browser to use camera and microphone
* The conference does not need a PIN to join, just click join and you're in.
In case you see a dfnconf logo and the phrase "Auf den
Meetingveranstalter warten", just be patient, the meeting host needs to
join first (a voice will tell you).
VC system/software
How to log in with a video conferencing system, depends on you VC system
or software.
- Using the H.323 protocol (eg Polycom): vc.dfn.net##97938800 or
- Using the SIP protocol:97938800@vc.dfn.de
- By telephone: +49-30-200-97938800
For those who do not have a video conference system or suitable
software, Polycom provides a pretty good free app for iOS and Android,
so you can join from your tablet (Polycom RealPresence Mobile, available
from AppStore/PlayStore). Note that firewalls may interfere with
videoconferencing in various and sometimes confusing ways.
For more technical information on logging in from various VC systems,
please see
nestsimulator-2.18.0 fails PyNEST installation as requesting libgsl.so.23 while libgsl.so.25 is available (see brelow --1-- log of installcheck for PyNEST tests)
cmake reports no errors with GSL (see bleow --2-- log extract of cmake output )
configuration: linux manjaro latest system update 2019-09-05
Sorry for my ignorance : is there a way to force linking with most recent gsl library ?
Or is it necessary to install also the old library version somehow? If then how ?
Thank you in advance for any help
Samuel Bottani
Phase 7: Running PyNEST tests.
Using nosetests.
Failure: ImportError (libgsl.so.23: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) ... ERROR
Failure: ImportError (libgsl.so.23: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) ... ERROR
ERROR: Failure: ImportError (libgsl.so.23: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nose/failure.py", line 39, in runTest
ImportError: libgsl.so.23: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ERROR: Failure: ImportError (libgsl.so.23: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nose/failure.py", line 39, in runTest
ImportError: libgsl.so.23: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
FAILED (errors=2)
PyNEST tests: 2
Passed: 0
Skipped: 0
Failed: 2
--2-- Concerning GLS log :
Use GSL : Yes (GSL 2.6)
Includes : /usr/include
Libraries : /usr/lib/libgsl.so;/usr/lib/libgslcblas.so
Is it possible to get and set the status of a neuron with conductance based
synapses (iaf_cond_alpha)? I only see V_m after getting the status of the
nodes, but I need to get/set the synapse states as well (g_ex, g_in).
Mikkel Elle Lepperød <http://cinpla.org/people/>
Centre for Integrative Neuroplasticity (CINPLA <http://cinpla.org>)
University of Oslo (UiO <http://uio.no>)
Kristine Bonnevies hus, room 2513
After installing NEST ubuntu 18.04 live media (lubuntu-18.04_nest-2.18.0.ova downloaded a few days ago), I get the following error message but a m able to import nest in python3 ok:
nest@nestvm:~$ python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Jan 14 2019, 11:02:34)
[GCC 8.0.1 20180414 (experimental) [trunk revision 259383]] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pyNN.nest as sim
[INFO] [2019.8.21 14:31:47 /home/nest/work/nest-simulator-2.18.0/nestkernel/rng_manager.cpp:217 @ Network::create_rngs_] : Creating default RNGs
[INFO] [2019.8.21 14:31:47 /home/nest/work/nest-simulator-2.18.0/nestkernel/rng_manager.cpp:260 @ Network::create_grng_] : Creating new default global RNG
-- N E S T --
Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
Version: nest-2.18.0
Built: Jul 2 2019 15:09:55
This program is provided AS IS and comes with
NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for details.
Problems or suggestions?
Visit https://www.nest-simulator.org
Type 'nest.help()' to find out more about NEST.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyNN/nest/__init__.py", line 18, in <module>
from . import simulator
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyNN/nest/simulator.py", line 257, in <module>
state = _State() # a Singleton, so only a single instance ever exists
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyNN/nest/simulator.py", line 59, in __init__
self.verbosity = "warning"
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyNN/nest/simulator.py", line 120, in _set_verbosity
nest.sli_run("M_%s setverbosity" % verbosity.upper())
AttributeError: module 'nest' has no attribute 'sli_run'
Any suggestions?