Hi all - I'm aiming to run simulations using Izhikevich's neuron model (or another efficient model with spike generation), two dendritic compartments, two glutamate receptor subtypes, and temporal synaptic dynamics. My understanding is that Nest supports the Izhikevich neuron model with instantaneous current injection (i.e. no synaptic dynamics), the iaf_cond_alpha_mc neuron model for multiple compartments, the aeif_cond_alpha_multisynapse model for multiple receptor subtypes, and any of the _psc_ or _cond_ neuron models for synaptic dynamics. Am I looking at multiple choice here? I.e. I can't use a single neuron model with all of these features? If so, does anyone know of any Nest add-ons that efficiently handle all the features above? I'd be grateful for any advice.