Download & Releases

NEST is available under the GNU General Public License 2 or later. This means that you can

  • use NEST for your research,
  • modify and improve NEST according to your needs,
  • distribute NEST to others under the same license.

To find out more about NEST, see the list of features and the user documentation.

Citing NEST

Please cite the version of NEST you used in your work. You can let us know about your publications that used NEST, and we will add them to our publication list; this will help make them visible to potential readers.

For all versions from 2.8 onwards, you can find the full citation on Zenondo.

For all versions below NEST v2.8.0 and for citing NEST without referring to a specific version, please use: Gewaltig M-O & Diesmann M (2007) NEST (Neural Simulation Tool) Scholarpedia 2(4):1430.

Here is a suitable BibTeX entry:

  author  = {Marc-Oliver Gewaltig and Markus Diesmann},
  title   = {NEST (NEural Simulation Tool)},
  journal = {Scholarpedia},
  year    = {2007},
  volume  = {2},
  pages   = {1430},
  number  = {4}

Please get in touch with us about your publications that used NEST, we will add them to our publication list, thus making them visible to potential readers.

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