Source code for nest.tests.test_refractory

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of NEST.
# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NEST.  If not, see <>.

import unittest

import numpy as np

import nest

Assert that all neuronal models that have a refractory period implement it
correctly (except for Hodgkin-Huxley models which cannot be tested).

Submit the neuron to a constant excitatory current so that it spikes in the
[0, 50] ms.
A ``spike_detector`` is used to detect the time at which the neuron spikes and
a ``voltmeter`` is then used to make sure the voltage is clamped to ``V_reset``
during exactly ``t_ref``.

For neurons that do not clamp the potential, use a very large current to
trigger immediate spiking

Untested models
* ``aeif_cond_alpha_RK5``
* ``ginzburg_neuron``
* ``hh_cond_exp_traub``
* ``hh_psc_alpha``
* ``hh_psc_alpha_gap``
* ``ht_neuron``
* ``iaf_chs_2007``
* ``iaf_chxk_2008``
* ``iaf_tum_2000``
* ``izhikevich``
* ``mcculloch_pitts_neuron``
* ``parrot_neuron``
* ``parrot_neuron_ps``
* ``pp_pop_psc_delta``
* ``pp_psc_delta``
* ``sli_neuron``

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  Models, specific parameters
# -------------------------

# list of all neuronal models that can be tested by looking at clamped V
neurons_V_clamped = [

# neurons that must be tested through a high current to spike immediately
# (t_ref = interspike)
neurons_interspike = [

neurons_interspike_ps = [

# models that cannot be tested
ignore_model = [
    "aeif_cond_alpha_RK5",  # this one is faulty and will be removed

tested_models = [m for m in nest.Models("nodes") if (nest.GetDefaults(
                 m, "element_type") == "neuron" and m not in ignore_model)]

# additional parameters for the connector
add_connect_param = {
    "iaf_cond_alpha_mc": {"receptor_type": 7},

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  Simulation time and refractory time limits
# -------------------------

simtime = 100
resolution = 0.1
min_steps = 1    # minimal number of refractory steps (t_ref = resolution)
max_steps = 200  # maximal number of steps (t_ref = 200 * resolution)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  Test class
# -------------------------

[docs]def foreach_neuron(func): ''' Decorator that automatically does the test for all neurons. ''' def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] msd = 123456 N_vp = nest.GetKernelStatus(['total_num_virtual_procs'])[0] pyrngs = [np.random.RandomState(s) for s in range(msd, msd + N_vp)] for name in tested_models: nest.ResetKernel() nest.SetKernelStatus({ 'resolution': resolution, 'grng_seed': msd + N_vp, 'rng_seeds': range(msd + N_vp + 1, msd + 2 * N_vp + 1)}) func(self, name, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class RefractoryTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Check the correct implementation of refractory time in all neuronal models. """
[docs] def compute_reftime(self, model, sd, vm, neuron): ''' Compute the refractory time of the neuron. Parameters ---------- model : str Name of the neuronal model. sd : tuple GID of the spike detector. vm : tuple GID of the voltmeter. neuron : tuple GID of the recorded neuron. Returns ------- t_ref_sim : double Value of the simulated refractory period. ''' spike_times = nest.GetStatus(sd, "events")[0]["times"] if model in neurons_interspike: # spike emitted at next timestep so substract resolution return spike_times[1]-spike_times[0]-resolution elif model in neurons_interspike_ps: return spike_times[1]-spike_times[0] else: Vr = nest.GetStatus(neuron, "V_reset")[0] times = nest.GetStatus(vm, "events")[0]["times"] # index of the 2nd spike idx_max = np.argwhere(times == spike_times[1])[0][0] name_Vm = "V_m.s" if model == "iaf_cond_alpha_mc" else "V_m" Vs = nest.GetStatus(vm, "events")[0][name_Vm] # get the index at which the spike occured idx_spike = np.argwhere(times == spike_times[0])[0][0] # find end of refractory period between 1st and 2nd spike idx_end = np.where( np.isclose(Vs[idx_spike:idx_max], Vr, 1e-6))[0][-1] t_ref_sim = idx_end * resolution return t_ref_sim
[docs] @foreach_neuron def test_refractory_time(self, model): ''' Check that refractory time implementation is correct. ''' # randomly set a refractory period t_ref = resolution * np.random.randint(min_steps, max_steps) # create the neuron and devices nparams = {"t_ref": t_ref} neuron = nest.Create(model, params=nparams) name_Vm = "V_m.s" if model == "iaf_cond_alpha_mc" else "V_m" vm_params = {"interval": resolution, "record_from": [name_Vm]} vm = nest.Create("voltmeter", params=vm_params) sd = nest.Create("spike_detector", params={'precise_times': True}) cg = nest.Create("dc_generator", params={"amplitude": 900.}) # for models that do not clamp V_m, use very large current to trigger # almost immediate spiking => t_ref almost equals interspike if model in neurons_interspike_ps: nest.SetStatus(cg, "amplitude", 10000000.) elif model in neurons_interspike: nest.SetStatus(cg, "amplitude", 2000.) # connect them and simulate nest.Connect(vm, neuron) nest.Connect(cg, neuron, syn_spec=add_connect_param.get(model, {})) nest.Connect(neuron, sd) nest.Simulate(simtime) # get and compare t_ref t_ref_sim = self.compute_reftime(model, sd, vm, neuron) # approximate result for precise spikes (interpolation error) if model in neurons_interspike_ps: self.assertAlmostEqual(t_ref, t_ref_sim, places=3, msg='''Error in model {}: {} != {}'''.format(model, t_ref, t_ref_sim)) else: self.assertAlmostEqual(t_ref, t_ref_sim, msg='''Error in model {}: {} != {}'''.format(model, t_ref, t_ref_sim))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Run the comparisons # ------------------------ #
[docs]def suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(RefractoryTestCase, "test")
[docs]def run(): runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
if __name__ == '__main__': run()