Source code for nest.tests.test_connect_parameters

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Tests of non pattern specific parameter.
The tests for all rules will run these tests separately.

import unittest
import numpy as np
from . import test_connect_helpers as hf

[docs]class TestParams(unittest.TestCase): # Setting default parameter. These parameter might be overwritten # by the classes # testing one specific rule. # specify connection pattern rule = 'one_to_one' conn_dict = {'rule': rule} # sizes of populations N1 = 6 N2 = 6 # time step dt = 0.1 # default params w0 = 1.0 d0 = 1.0 r0 = 0 syn0 = 'static_synapse' # parameter for test of distributed parameter pval = 0.05 # minimum p-value to pass kolmogorov smirnov test # number of threads nr_threads = 2 # for now only tests if a multi-thread connect is successfull, not whether # the the threading is actually used
[docs] def setUp(self): hf.nest.ResetKernel() hf.nest.SetKernelStatus({'local_num_threads': self.nr_threads})
[docs] def setUpNetwork(self, conn_dict=None, syn_dict=None, N1=None, N2=None): if N1 is None: N1 = self.N1 if N2 is None: N2 = self.N2 self.pop1 = hf.nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', N1) self.pop2 = hf.nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', N2) hf.nest.set_verbosity('M_FATAL') hf.nest.Connect(self.pop1, self.pop2, conn_dict, syn_dict)
[docs] def setUpNetworkOnePop(self, conn_dict=None, syn_dict=None, N=None): if N is None: N = self.N1 self.pop = hf.nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', N) hf.nest.set_verbosity('M_FATAL') hf.nest.Connect(self.pop, self.pop, conn_dict, syn_dict)
[docs] def testWeightSetting(self): # test if weights are set correctly # one weight for all connections w0 = 0.351 label = 'weight' syn_params = {label: w0} hf.check_synapse([label], [syn_params['weight']], syn_params, self)
[docs] def testDelaySetting(self): # test if delays are set correctly # one delay for all connections d0 = 0.275 syn_params = {'delay': d0} self.setUpNetwork(self.conn_dict, syn_params) connections = hf.nest.GetStatus( hf.nest.GetConnections(self.pop1, self.pop2)) nest_delays = [connection['delay'] for connection in connections] # all delays need to be equal self.assertTrue(hf.all_equal(nest_delays)) # delay (rounded) needs to equal the delay that was put in self.assertTrue(abs(d0 - nest_delays[0]) < self.dt)
[docs] def testRPortSetting(self): neuron_model = 'iaf_psc_exp_multisynapse' neuron_dict = {'tau_syn': [0.5, 0.7]} rtype = 2 self.pop1 = hf.nest.Create(neuron_model, self.N1, neuron_dict) self.pop2 = hf.nest.Create(neuron_model, self.N2, neuron_dict) syn_params = {'model': 'static_synapse', 'receptor_type': rtype} hf.nest.Connect(self.pop1, self.pop2, self.conn_dict, syn_params) conns = hf.nest.GetStatus(hf.nest.GetConnections(self.pop1, self.pop2)) ports = [conn['receptor'] for conn in conns] self.assertTrue(hf.all_equal(ports)) self.assertTrue(ports[0] == rtype)
[docs] def testSynapseSetting(self): hf.nest.CopyModel("static_synapse", 'test_syn', {'receptor_type': 0}) syn_params = {'model': 'test_syn'} self.setUpNetwork(self.conn_dict, syn_params) conns = hf.nest.GetStatus(hf.nest.GetConnections(self.pop1, self.pop2)) syns = [str(conn['synapse_model']) for conn in conns] self.assertTrue(hf.all_equal(syns)) self.assertTrue(syns[0] == syn_params['model'])
# tested on each mpi process separatly
[docs] def testDefaultParams(self): self.setUpNetwork(self.conn_dict) conns = hf.nest.GetStatus(hf.nest.GetConnections(self.pop1, self.pop2)) self.assertTrue(all(x['weight'] == self.w0 for x in conns)) self.assertTrue(all(x['delay'] == self.d0 for x in conns)) self.assertTrue(all(x['receptor'] == self.r0 for x in conns)) self.assertTrue(all(x['synapse_model'] == self.syn0 for x in conns))
[docs] def testAutapsesTrue(self): conn_params = self.conn_dict.copy() # test that autapses exist conn_params['autapses'] = True self.pop1 = hf.nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', self.N1) hf.nest.Connect(self.pop1, self.pop1, conn_params) # make sure all connections do exist M = hf.get_connectivity_matrix(self.pop1, self.pop1) hf.mpi_assert(np.diag(M), np.ones(self.N1), self)
[docs] def testAutapsesFalse(self): conn_params = self.conn_dict.copy() # test that autapses were excluded conn_params['autapses'] = False self.pop1 = hf.nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', self.N1) hf.nest.Connect(self.pop1, self.pop1, conn_params) # make sure all connections do exist M = hf.get_connectivity_matrix(self.pop1, self.pop1) hf.mpi_assert(np.diag(M), np.zeros(self.N1), self)
[docs] def testHtSynapse(self): params = ['P', 'delta_P'] values = [0.987, 0.362] syn_params = {'model': 'ht_synapse'} hf.check_synapse(params, values, syn_params, self)
[docs] def testQuantalStpSynapse(self): # params a and n are not tested since Connect cannot handle # integer parameter yet # Connect will throw an error is a or n are set in syn_spec params = ['U', 'tau_fac', 'tau_rec', 'u'] values = [0.679, 8.45, 746.2, 0.498] syn_params = {'model': 'quantal_stp_synapse'} hf.check_synapse(params, values, syn_params, self)
[docs] def testStdpFacetshwSynapseHom(self): params = ['a_acausal', 'a_causal', 'a_thresh_th', 'a_thresh_tl', 'next_readout_time' ] values = [0.162, 0.263, 20.46, 19.83, 0.1] syn_params = {'model': 'stdp_facetshw_synapse_hom'} hf.check_synapse(params, values, syn_params, self)
[docs] def testStdpPlSynapseHom(self): params = ['Kplus'] values = [0.173] syn_params = {'model': 'stdp_pl_synapse_hom'} hf.check_synapse(params, values, syn_params, self)
[docs] def testStdpSynapseHom(self): params = ['Kplus'] values = [0.382] syn_params = {'model': 'stdp_synapse_hom'} hf.check_synapse(params, values, syn_params, self)
[docs] def testStdpSynapse(self): params = ['Wmax', 'alpha', 'lambda', 'mu_minus', 'mu_plus', 'tau_plus'] values = [98.34, 0.945, 0.02, 0.945, 1.26, 19.73] syn_params = {'model': 'stdp_synapse'} hf.check_synapse(params, values, syn_params, self)
[docs] def testTsodyks2Synapse(self): params = ['U', 'tau_fac', 'tau_rec', 'u', 'x'] values = [0.362, 0.152, 789.2, 0.683, 0.945] syn_params = {'model': 'tsodyks2_synapse'} hf.check_synapse(params, values, syn_params, self)
[docs] def testTsodyksSynapse(self): params = ['U', 'tau_fac', 'tau_psc', 'tau_rec', 'x', 'y', 'u'] values = [0.452, 0.263, 2.56, 801.34, 0.567, 0.376, 0.102] syn_params = {'model': 'tsodyks_synapse'} hf.check_synapse(params, values, syn_params, self)
[docs] def testStdpDopamineSynapse(self): # ResetKernel() since parameter setting not thread save for this # synapse type hf.nest.ResetKernel() vol = hf.nest.Create('volume_transmitter') hf.nest.SetDefaults('stdp_dopamine_synapse', {'vt': vol[0]}) params = ['c', 'n'] values = [0.153, 0.365] syn_params = {'model': 'stdp_dopamine_synapse'} hf.check_synapse(params, values, syn_params, self)
[docs] def testRPortAllSynapses(self): syns = ['cont_delay_synapse', 'ht_synapse', 'quantal_stp_synapse', 'static_synapse_hom_w', 'stdp_dopamine_synapse', 'stdp_facetshw_synapse_hom', 'stdp_pl_synapse_hom', 'stdp_synapse_hom', 'stdp_synapse', 'tsodyks2_synapse', 'tsodyks_synapse' ] syn_params = {'receptor_type': 1} for i, syn in enumerate(syns): if syn == 'stdp_dopamine_synapse': vol = hf.nest.Create('volume_transmitter') hf.nest.SetDefaults('stdp_dopamine_synapse', {'vt': vol[0]}) syn_params['model'] = syn self.pop1 = hf.nest.Create('iaf_psc_exp_multisynapse', self.N1, { 'tau_syn': [0.2, 0.5]}) self.pop2 = hf.nest.Create('iaf_psc_exp_multisynapse', self.N2, { 'tau_syn': [0.2, 0.5]}) hf.nest.Connect(self.pop1, self.pop2, self.conn_dict, syn_params) conns = hf.nest.GetStatus( hf.nest.GetConnections(self.pop1, self.pop2)) conn_params = [conn['receptor'] for conn in conns] self.assertTrue(hf.all_equal(conn_params)) self.assertTrue(conn_params[0] == syn_params['receptor_type']) self.setUp()
[docs] def testWeightAllSynapses(self): # test all synapses apart from static_synapse_hom_w where weight is not # settable syns = ['cont_delay_synapse', 'ht_synapse', 'quantal_stp_synapse', 'stdp_dopamine_synapse', 'stdp_facetshw_synapse_hom', 'stdp_pl_synapse_hom', 'stdp_synapse_hom', 'stdp_synapse', 'tsodyks2_synapse', 'tsodyks_synapse' ] syn_params = {'weight': 0.372} for syn in syns: if syn == 'stdp_dopamine_synapse': vol = hf.nest.Create('volume_transmitter') hf.nest.SetDefaults('stdp_dopamine_synapse', {'vt': vol[0]}) syn_params['model'] = syn hf.check_synapse( ['weight'], [syn_params['weight']], syn_params, self) self.setUp()
[docs] def testDelayAllSynapses(self): syns = ['cont_delay_synapse', 'ht_synapse', 'quantal_stp_synapse', 'static_synapse_hom_w', 'stdp_dopamine_synapse', 'stdp_facetshw_synapse_hom', 'stdp_pl_synapse_hom', 'stdp_synapse_hom', 'stdp_synapse', 'tsodyks2_synapse', 'tsodyks_synapse' ] syn_params = {'delay': 0.4} for syn in syns: if syn == 'stdp_dopamine_synapse': vol = hf.nest.Create('volume_transmitter') hf.nest.SetDefaults('stdp_dopamine_synapse', {'vt': vol[0]}) syn_params['model'] = syn hf.check_synapse( ['delay'], [syn_params['delay']], syn_params, self) self.setUp()
if __name__ == '__main__': suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestParams) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)